Our Seat Return program allows members who hold a reserved seat for MCG home games to return their seat for re-sale via Ticketek if they're unable to attend the match.
If you return your reserved seat and it is successfully re-sold to another patron, you will be awarded a credit towards next year's membership renewal!
If you're ready to return a seat, click here!
A membership credit will be awarded to next year's renewal if your reserved seat is successfully resold through Ticketek. There is no guarantee that a seat returned for resale will be sold.
If a credit is awarded to you, it can only be used on the following season’s membership. This credit is non-transferable.
If a member's seat is successfully re-sold via Ticketek, said member will be notified via email confirming the re-sale.
Seat returns for a given game must be made prior to 4:00pm Melbourne time on the Tuesday before said game to be eligible for the re-sale credit (unless otherwise stated).
Return credits are non-refundable and cannot be redeemed for cash.
If your membership is complimentary or discounted, you are ineligible for a credit award.
If your membership is behind in monthly instalments, you are ineligible for a credit award.
Seat returns cannot be processed by calling or emailing the Club.
Please note - once a seat is returned for resale. you will no longer have access to attend the game in question. As such, only complete a seat return if you are sure you will not be attending the game.
The easiest way to return a seat is via your Mobile Membership:
- Open your Mobile Membership
- Select a match (e.g. Rd 21 v Carlton)
- Select 'More Ticket Actions'
- Select 'Return'
- Follow the prompts to finalise!
You can also return a seat via your MyMagpies account:
Step 1
Sign into your MyMagpies account.
Click here to open MyMagpies.
Step 2
Select 'Seat Returns' from the navigation menu at the top of your screen.
Step 3
Select 'View Event Details' for the MCG home 'event' (i.e. the match) for which you'd like to return one or more of your reserved seats.
Note: if you have multiple types of membership in your account (e.g. reserved seat and general admission), multiple options for the same game will be displayed (as shown below).
Step 4
Select the 'Return' option (highlighted below for your reference).
Step 5
Select the seat or seats you wish to return.
Step 6
Select the 'Seat Return' option.
You can also check the seats you selected in the previous step.
Step 7
Review your seat return, and click 'Submit' when you're ready to proceed.
Note that the 'Return Total' will show as '$0.00'. This does not relate to the credit you will receive if your seat is successfully re-sold.
Step 8
Your seat return is complete!
Please note - once a seat is returned for re-sale. you will no longer have access to attend the game in question. As such, only complete a seat return if you are sure you will not be attending the game.
Seat returns for a given game must be made prior to 4:00pm Melbourne time on the Tuesday before said game to be eligible for the re-sale credit (unless otherwise stated).