When purchasing a membership or event via, you are redirected to MyMagpies (hosted by Ticketmaster) to complete your purchase.
Because of this redirection, purchasing multiple memberships in one transaction can be tricky.
This article provides a walkthrough of the steps involved in purchasing multiple memberships.
If you already have a MyMagpies account, but you're having trouble accessing it, check out this article.
If you do not already have a MyMagpies account, you'll be able to set one up during the purchase process.
Step 1
Select the first package you'd like to purchase.
Step 2
Select the relevant pricing option, e.g. 'adult'.
Step 3
In the new window that opens up, confirm that the name and price of the membership is correct.
The URL (link) for the new window should be
Step 4
Select 'continue shopping' to return to
Step 5
Select the next package that you'd like to purchase, then select the desired pricing option (e.g. 'junior').
Step 6
Another new window will open up. Confirm that the previously-select packages are present.
The URL (link) for the new window should still be
Step 7
Repeat Steps 4-7 as required.
Once you are ready, select 'checkout' to finalise your purchase.
Although the total payment amount is displayed in your cart, you will be able to select from the upfront or monthly payment options on the subsequent screen.